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The Higher EdTech Podcast

Dec 15, 2022

If you're looking for last minute gift ideas for the techy teacher in your life (or if you just want to forward this episode to someone who knows YOU are the techy teacher), Brent & Tim explore some options for fun or for productivity. Let us know if we missed anything, and have a great break!

Dec 1, 2022

As the end of the semester approaches, Tim & Brent revisit some considerations before you start to wrap up your semester, and explore a few ideas on how you can get your prep on early for the spring semester. 

Nov 17, 2022

Class Technologies works to blur the line between synchronous online learning and the physical classroom in a way we sometimes refer to as "Zoom on steroids". With features like in-app collaboration, viewing breakout rooms without entering, student control over who can see them, and more, it works on many problems we...

Nov 3, 2022

A recent white paper put out by professors at MIT makes suggestions for what Higher Education institutions might look like in the future. Brent and Tim walk through the good, the bad, and the in-between. 

Oct 27, 2022

Tim & Brent sit down with James Taylor at Pronto to discuss the chat service. They talk about the value of an embedded chat platform for building community, increasing communication, creating backchannels, and more. Listen in to hear some ideas and ways Pronto is used at...